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What’s the difference?

I believe that “Faculty” is typically teachers, admins, etc. (people that need a degree/certification to do their job). Staff is any staff member that doesn’t fall into that category.

As far as iiQ goes, I don’t think there’s an actual difference unless you set up permission policies & visibility of different things to differentiate them.

I agree, with @DHenry overall. You just need to set the permissions as you see fit for each group but they can be anyone you want.

We use Faculty for our staff that we want to give a little more access to IIQ, for example our Facilities team only wants certain job titles to be able to enter tickets for their schools, so I map those titles to Faculty so I don’t have to do that with another custom staff policy that needs to be manually applied.

@jmerwin Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

This is a great discussion and something I also struggled with identifying the difference, especially within the product.  

Thank you @TAnders @ADeLacy 640001e ghsd and @DHenry for adding in your insight on this thread. 

All staff came over as staff from Infinite Campus One Roster. Anyone have a quick solution as to how I’d make all my teachers and admins faculty? We have a lot that need access to check-in/check-out devices. Any info is appreciated! 

@KFugate 934d00 bullittk12 Are you on permissions v2? You could create a new permission policy and assign it to those folks who need that permission. 

Additionally, you can create a view with those users in it & set the role in bulk: 

Looks like I need to add some additional teachers to my testing site. 
