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My agents are asking me what does Status: Approved - Partial mean exactly?

I looked at the history on the ticket and it shows the ticket was sent for Approval and got Approved by a principal and then got assigned to an agent again. I don’t see Partial approvals in the ticket status. This is the email my agent received:



@akorkishko Thank you for submitting your question to our Community. 

Do you have multiple approval trees? Is there a rule that requires another level of getting this approved? The “approved-partial” might be cause there is a next step in your rule. 

No, we don’t have enhanced approval module and this ticket had only a single approval process.

@akorkishko Okay, I dug a little deeper into this, and it looks like an incorrect field is being pulled into the status information. I am submitting an internal ticket on your behalf and will hopefully update you soon! 
