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We have some users with limited permissions (able to see site specific tickets, assets, users ect.) and when they do a quick search for a user or click on a user’s profile off of a ticket, the ticket history will not show up. However, if you go to User explorer and search for the same user, then recent tickets will show up. 

We have users with all open permissions and they can see ticket history under the quick search for users or tickets. 

Is this directly related to a specific permission or just a bug? We would like users to be able to see ticket history when they access a user’s profile, no matter the route. 

@LChristopherson 947f863 sdw Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

Do you have a video of this happening? I am trying to reproduce this, but want to make sure we are seeing the same thing. 

Thanks @Kathryn Carter. I do
Is there a secure way to submit video? There is sensitive information in the video and should not be sumbited in forum :) 

@LChristopherson 947f863 sdw You can email it to me - 

@LChristopherson 947f863 sdw I have forwarded your email to support. They will take this thread from here. Thank you! 
