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Bulk Delete Asset with Spreadsheet?

  • 30 January 2024
  • 8 replies

I might be missing something, but can I upload a sheet of assets that I want to delete?   I can import a list with location change and status change to “retired” but I want to also delete the assets.   All I can see is an option to do that, then bulk select them from the Asset Explorer and choose Other > Delete.  

If I do that, I have over 1K Chromebooks as Status Retired, but I want them to move to Deleted Assets.  Is there another way?


8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

@nathaniel_lindley Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄 

Why do you want to delete assets? This will erase the data with each of those assets. 

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

I guess I figured when we recycled or sold an asset (Chromebook or iPad) and no longer have it we should Delete from our Asset Inventory.   If we just marked the status as “Retired” doesn’t it still show up in Asset Explorer and inventory reports?   

Maybe I’m missing something.

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

@nathaniel_lindley we created an asset deletion process at our district, where we delete retired assets 3 times per year. This keeps our inventory fresh and up to date. Upon deletion, assets are no longer searchable in Assets explorer or general search. You can, however, still locate these assets in the Deleted Assets tab. Assets in the Deleted Assets section can also be restored at any point, if needed. The Deleted Assets section basically serves as an accessible archive.

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

that process makes sense to me, “retire” the asset as you go and then clean it up a few times a year.  

Filtering  Deleted Assets  works to find items, like all the deleted iPads, but I don’t see Bulk actions as an option.  If I wanted to restore all the iPad Gen 5 devices for some reason, like a mistake, I would need to go one by one.


Userlevel 4
Badge +5

@nathaniel_lindley Yes! It has worked out well for us. We delete assets in Sept, Jan, and May.

We have also had a few instances where bulk restore would be helpful. But for the most part, our restoring usually only involves individual assets. It would be a great idea for the idea exchange though! This is a lower priority on our list of suggestions but could definitely be useful at times :).

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Thank you @Erica for sharing your insight on this thread! 😄

We also delete assets as we process our disposals a few times a year. Keeps everything all cleaned up and current. I just copy the asset tags out of the disposal spreadsheet and paste them into a filter and bulk action delete. Just did this earlier today in fact.

Would be nice to be able to upload a csv and be able to delete (since I already have the list in a spreadhseet to start with), but this works.

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Thank you @BenjaminA for adding your feedback here! 😄
