
New to the community? Introduce Yourself

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Welcome @ESuarez to our Community! Looking forward to seeing your thoughts and ideas here in Idea Exchange. 😄


Hello my name is Charlotte Rougley. I am the librarian at Werner Park Elementary in Shreveport, Louisiana in Caddo Parish. I have had over five years of experience with Incident IQ as a classroom teacher, and I am looking forward to working with the community as the newly assigned technology liaison at my school. I look forward to learning more this upcoming school year.

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Hi there @CROUGLEY 333a0a caddoschools!! Looking forward to learning more about your workflows. Welcome to the tech team! 😄

Hi, I’m Suzanne Lee-Ciambra, Coordinator of Technology at Hanover High School in New Hampshire. We are going to implement IIQ this year and are looking forward to it. 

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Hi there @SLee-Ciambra 873a0c9 sau70 Welcome to the iiQ family! 😄


Hello everyone my name is Bernice Kelley and I work with the East Orange Board of Education in East Orange NJ been employed with the district for over 39 years..  My job title is Helpdesk Specialist so as you know I am the person who uses Incident IQ the most.  We have been using Incident IQ now for about 2 ½ 3 years.

Incident IQ has really cause my job performance to expand because the communication between the user and myself has built great rapport.


With being a part of this community I see relationships growing and being able to help each other when necessary.

Userlevel 1

Hi, I’m Lauren, the IT Database Admin from Dexter Southfield, an independent school outside Boston.  This is our first school year with IIQ, and I’m excited to explore more of the data capture and reporting capabilities of the system and using it to help everyone in the school have a better experience with technology.

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@BKelley 253b959 eastorange Welcome! We are excited to see your name on our Community. 

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@LHenderson 8609935 dexter Welcome! Looking forward to you sharing your knowledge with out community! 😄


Hi, My name is Nicole O’Hara I’m a Senior Support Technican at Napa Valley Unified. We are new to IIQ, in the process of setup and implementation! Excited for things to go live in the next coming months to all of our users. 

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@NO'Hara 39094e1 nvusd Welcome to the iiQ family! Looking forward to getting to know you and your workflows in your district! 😄


Hello all,

My name is Marie Watson.  I am the Facilities and Transportation Coordinator for the University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy in Detroit, MI.  We moved IIQ over this past summer.  Our Technology uses the HelpDesk part (to what extent, I do not really know), our Maintenance Department uses the Ticketing side of it (again, to what extent, I do not know) and I use the Events side of it.  Our school has less than 1500 students, less than 150 staff and faculty but 2 buildings.  However, we are the oldest Catholic high school in Detroit proper.  

Since integrating from MLS to IIQ, I have seen the connection of Events to Ticketing and Facilities and this has been extremely helpful.  No more sending emails of what is needed set-up where.

We want IIQ to merge all of the individual calendars into one for all.  

What I hope to get out of the Community is ideas for sorting, viewing and organizing better.

About me, I am unapologetically loyal and ardent supporter to our school.  Our son is a graduate (2020), my spouse is a graduate (1984) and my spouse’s step-father walked these halls as a student (sorry, we have always been an all-boys school).  I joke that if you cut me open I will bleed Maroon and White.


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@MWatson 7034edb uofdjesuit Welcome to the iiQ family and to events! Looking forward to having you in our community and hearing about how events and these integrations help your workflow! 😄

Hi I am Matt Shea from Pequannock Township School District in NJ. I have used IIQ in previous districts so I am really excited to be bringing IIQ to my new district.

One quick thing about me - I foster cats...all the cats 😁 103 cats so far to be exact. Here is one of our current kittens, Claudia!

Claudia the Tuxedo


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Hi @MShea 4106ddc pequannock  and Claudia! Welcome to the iiQ community. Looking forward to hearing about your workflows from your previous district and your current one! 😄

Hi, I’m Rita Wilson.  No, I’m not married to Tom Hanks.  LOL   I’ve been working for Milpitas Unified School District for over 25 years.  I went to school here, married my high school sweetheart, and came back to Milpitas as an employee after my kids were in school. I’ve been one of the districts Software Support Analysts for almost 20 of those 25 years. We just switched to IIQ three days ago and I’m looking forward to learning something new.  Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks!

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@RWilson 330f5ea musd Welcome to iiQ! You are right, we can always teach an old dog new tricks, and I cannot wait to see how your workflow improves with the use of iiQ in your district! 😄

Hi, my name is Jose Santamaria and I am the Technology Coordinator for Bellevue Union School District k-6th grade in Santa Rosa, CA across 4 middle schools. We are about to start using Incident IQ 


Any suggestions?

Userlevel 7
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@DAdmin 417746e bellevue Welcome to iiQ! We are looking forward to you joining our Community. What kinda of suggestions are you looking for? There are various places within the community for our member discussions as well as Best Practices and Tips & Tricks. 😄


Hi I’m Vernada Technology Support Service, for Dekalb County school systems.

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@VHabeeb-Ullah 48357ff dekalb Welcome to our community! We are so glad to are here 😄

Hello my name is Joe. I am the server admin for the Worcester Public Schools and have not started using iiQ yet. My district is still in the configuration stages before a district rollout. I’m looking to collaborate with like minded individuals who are willing to share their knowledge of this platform. I look forward to working with this community!


Welcome it is a Great application, I am learning going thru  the Training Academy has help me a lot.

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@JAbbascia Welcome to the iiQ community! 

@VHabeeb-Ullah 48357ff dekalb Thank you for your feedback! Academy is an incredible resource! 

@Kathryn Carter  @VHabeeb-Ullah 48357ff dekalb  TY!
