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Intune Sync not updating with changes

I am brand new to IIQ.  I initially did a manual sync and our device information and users assigned to the devices populated, but, since that sync:

I am unable to affect a change in user information via a sync FROM Intune to incident IQ, or a push TO Intune from Incident IQ. Both show that they 100% completed but no data changes happened.  


First try:  Changed the Primary user in Intune, ran the sync manually, and the Owner did not change in Incident IQ (I also tried just syncing the individual device with the change)

Second try:  Changed the Owner in Incident IQ, ran the manual Push, and the User did not change in Intune.

What am I missing? 


10 replies

Userlevel 7
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@DAdmin 9274be6 erpsk12 Thank you for submitting your question. I have reached out to our Support Team and @DClaybrooks_iiQ to get this up the ranks for you. Be on the look out for an update from them! 😄

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I would like to add on that I am having the same issue, we run the sync and it does not assign the device to the user in IIQ. After running a sync I have picked a device I know was not created in IIQ, but populated in Intune, and it does not appear, thanks. 

Userlevel 7
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@Darroyo Thank you for letting me know. I have included your comment on the open support ticket. I will update you when I heard more information! 

Userlevel 7
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@Darroyo Are you still experiencing this?

@DAdmin 9274be6 erpsk12 is reporting the glitch is fixed, and I wanted to check with you as well! 

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Maybe I am doing something wrong, Intune is importing devices but it’s not assigning to users, and the devices are not appearing in the assets explorer. 

Userlevel 7
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@Darroyo Thank you for your reply. Is there a specific asset tag I can try to recreate on your site? And could you provide a screenshot? 

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This is the log from one of the the Intune imports

SkipNoChanges OptiPlex 3080 4GF2###  (Asset Tag: IT-MC-REMOTE) 


I cannot find it as the serial number (last 3 blocked out) or the host name in asset manager. 

Userlevel 7
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@Darroyo When I logged into your site and searched using that asset tag, it popped up, and it is assigned. Should it be updated from the user, M Cordell?

In the timeline for that asset, it says it was created by Intune on 5/11/23 but there have been no other adjustments made. 

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Hey Kathryn,


We found the issue, we were not linking the asset models, it is working correctly, thank you!

Userlevel 7
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@Darroyo Glad to see you figured out the disconnect! 😄
