Currently, we assign each asset to a user and then indicate what room that user is located in within a building.
I am not impressed with this option because each year we have tons of users move from room to room, but the asset stays in the room. That being said, each year, I have to go in and unassign at least 5 assets from each user that moves a room, assign them to a new user, and so on and so forth for each user.
This can be overwhelmingly time consuming.
I do count on searching by user on a regular basis to find the assets assigned to them so I can remotely log in to devices. Our users can not find an asset tag or computer name 90% of the time, so this is a huge life saver for us.
I saw some community members discuss My Classes, but I’m not sure that would work for us either.
Pros/Cons/Thoughts on the potential processes we could use.
Currently, we are going to be starting at ground zero with assets and reuploading everything, so that is not a concern at this time, but finding something that works long term is.
Thank you!