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We just started using IIQ and I’ve looked through a decent amount of it thus far, but there’s still plenty to do.

One of my quandaries is, what is the difference between a “view” and an asset group? In looking at both of them, they look the same and the only difference is the name. When I open the “view settings” part in both that looks the same as well. What am I missing? Why do both of these exist if they’re the same thing (or so it seems)?

Hi JEnder,

One key difference is that Views are easily shared with other people….

@CThomas_iiQ - I took a closer look into what you said. According to my colleagues, they all can see the asset group I’ve created and I can see the ones they’ve made. There’s no section where you can specify who can/cannot see the group along with permissions (ie. view, edit, etc.). In an Asset View, the creator can designate who can view it along w/permissions.

@JEnder 160d9cf coloradoacademy Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

I agree they are similar and function almost the same. The biggest difference between views and groups is that views are personalized to you. They are going to show whatever you specifically need, and only you have permission to view or share them. With Asset groups, everyone has access to them. I would like to give two use cases to describe the differences:

  1. Asset Groups: I have a fleet of hotspots that all of my agents pull from (by location) to complete inventory. This group everyone has access to and can see each location and any additional information they need. 
  2. Custom Views: I am in charge of the hotspots at “Appletree Elementary” so I have created a view to see which ones are checked out and which ones we have in stock. 

I hope this helps 😄


@Kathryn Carter - Thanks for that info. I did notice that in views, aside from sharing them, you can give read/write access to people as well. It does seem like the two main differences between a group & view is that read/write access that the creator can control accordingly and a group by default is viewable to everyone and doesn’t have that read/write access like a view does which is more customizable in that regard.

Thanks for the examples of how you use them as well!
