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Our Sync with google shows the Asset Tag as the name of the student, how do we bulk update the owner to equal the assets tag we have over 1,000 devices

Are you seeing this in iiQ? That is, the device’s Asset Tag is the student’s name?

Hi ​@TSaunderslucy 68018b6 motsd ! Thank you for your question. Are you stating that you want to update the Asset Tag with a new number naming convention because it is currently the owners name?

So the Asset Tag contains the student name, but the assigned to field is blank.  This is pulled from google, we want to be able to create tickets for the student using Assets from the menu.  If i create a ticket it does not automatically set the Requestor to be the student name which is located in the Asset Tag.

Hi ​@TSaunderslucy 68018b6 motsd ! If I am following correctly, you want to be able to submit a ticket for a student and have their assigned asset populate, correct?

thank you i want to be able to scan a serial number and for the requestor and other details, location etc are auto populated. into the ticket.

Hi ​@TSaunderslucy 68018b6 motsd ! I am still not sure I am following what you are looking to achieve.

We do have a feature called Rapid Scan. This allows you to scan an asset label and and it will populate several actions you can conduct for a single or multiple assets at once. Here is a Community Document to see if this is along the lines of what you are referencing: 


