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Hello IIQ Community!  First time poster here.  One of school librarian’s asked if there’s a report that they can run that will give them the device check-in log, so that they can see the devices that were checked in and checked out each day.  

Is that possible? I wasn’t able to find a pre-built inventory report like that.  Any help you can provide is appreciated.  

Thank you!


Gavin Maeda
Instructional Technologist, SSFUSD

@gmaeda Thank you for submitting your question.

You can user the “Owner Updated” filter and select the day you would like to view. 

I hope this helps 😄

Thanks, Kathryn! That’s alright; it’s a little cumbersome to update the date filter each time though.  But I’ll let the librarian know.  Thanks again!

If I am not mistaken you should be able to create a custom view and use a filter with “Today” as specific date if you’re looking at something to run at end of day. 



Is there a way that a report like this can automatically be emailed to specific IIQ users?

@JPisani 803812b lcalions You can schedule an SFTP export if this is saved as a custom view. 
