
Check-out function on mobile not all users showing up

  • 8 December 2022
  • 3 replies

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Does anyone have any issues seeing all users when checking out devices on the mobile apps? When we go to check-out, select an asset, we can’t see students when we search users. Happens on both Android and iOS.

3 replies

Userlevel 7
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@darbaugh Is this still an ongoing problem? Have you made sure you have updated the app? We have had no other reports of the mobile app not functioning. 

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It’s up to date and we get the same behavior across multiple mobile devices. It seems to be only users with the student role that we cannot search for when using the check in/out feature.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16


I was testing this out and was able to look up students through the mobile app. Here is the version that I have as well. If this is an ongoing issue. Please submit a support ticket so we can look further into this issue. 


