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We are trying to check out Chrome Books to students. The pop box that we put in a student’s ID is taking a very long time to come up! Help

@AFranklin 1274236 opsb 
We are experiencing some slowness and our development team is aware and looking into this. 


Updated will be here on our status page:

We have identified the issue and implemented a solution.  Site responsiveness has returned to normal and login issues have been resolved.   We are continuing to monitor all platform status dashboards as Incident IQ up-time is our highest priority.  Some background server jobs like email alerts may be delayed for the next 20 minutes as the backlog clears.


Please contact our support team if you observe any lingering issues.   Our engineering team is working on a full root cause investigation and more details will be provided at once available.  We understand how important Incident IQ is to school operations and especially during this time of year.  Apologies for this inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Hannah, is there anything we need to do on our end to resolve this issue? We are still experiencing the slowness when checking out assets, specifically when looking up the user to checkout to.


Our status page is reflecting that we are having site loading and login issues.


When I hear more I will update you. 

@SDA -  A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results. 

Are you still experiencing issues?
