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Filter by manual verification

  • 4 March 2024
  • 4 replies

Is there a way to filter so that everything that was manually verified within a date range will show in a view, regardless of if it failed automatic verification a day or so later? We’ve had to disable our automatic verifications because certain items are failing verification, which is a separate issue we’re going to have to work on our end since we know the cause, but even if it passes automatic verifications, we have to do a full physical inventory once a year, so the automatic verification causes issues with that as well. If it automatically passes, but we haven’t manually verified it, then technically we are failing to do our inventory properly.

We just need to be able to filter and see if something has been manually verified within a set time frame, something that we aren’t able to right now, unless we just aren’t figuring it out.

4 replies

Userlevel 7
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@TMatsuya 8234910 apsb Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

I believe our support team should be able to pull 1 report for you. However, for you to be able to filter by this, I would suggest submitting this to our Idea Exchange:

Userlevel 1
Badge +1

I’ll do that, I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something first!


@TMatsuya 8234910 apsb I’m sure you have already figured this out, but you can just filter by both the “Last Verification - Type” and select iiQ Web/Mobile Manual and also specify the “Last Verification - Date” with the dates of your manual audit. I always have to do one manual audit for every campus and make sure to save my filter this way so I know exactly what was found. Then whatever assets within this list did NOT have a manual verification, I will change their status to “Missing”. Good luck to you! 


Userlevel 1
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@PVALDESPINO 5803832 scuc Yep, we know we can do that. The problem is that for us, manual verifications can take place at random times throughout the year - checking devices in and out for example, counts as a manual/physical verification for our auditors, which is great. But if for example, we start our physical verification process in November, but then something comes up and we’re unable to complete it until January, things that were manually verified back in Nov. may have then been automatically verified (which we have turned off right now, as much as we don’t want to). If that happens, then we would have to run several views/filters with specific time ranges to find everything. Even doing it that way, we’ve discovered that it might still not be 100% accurate, and we then have to look through every single device showing up in the “not manually verified” view, for lack of a better name, to see if it actually was manually verified.

It would be far more efficient to just be able to do a granular filter for anything that was manually verified between the months of “A” and “B”, ignoring any automatic verifications. So essentially the filter would be “Display all items that had a manual verification between this date range, regardless of any subsequent automatic verification.”
I’m not sure if that all makes sense though.
