
How to track usage history of spare devices and identify users with excessive checkouts?

  • 21 November 2023
  • 6 replies


I have a group of students who frequently borrow help desk/spare equipment, and I'm looking for a way to track the usage history of these devices. Specifically, I'd like to know

  1. Total checkouts for each spare device: How many times has each spare device been checked out?

  2. Checkouts by user: For each spare device, can I identify the users who have checked it out?

  3. User checkout history: Can I determine how many spare devices each user has checked out within a specified timeframe?

I'm hoping to use this information to identify students who may be hoarding spare devices or using them excessively. Any suggestions on how to achieve this using would be greatly appreciated.

6 replies

Userlevel 2
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We have a ticket issue called Forgot Device. When a student needs one, we create the ticket and then issue the spare to them. We can go back and see all the times they forgot the device.


Another issue type we have is Forgot to Charge Device. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@JJimenez 6639cbf ssccards Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

I would suggest creating a ticket type that just deals with spare devices. This way, you can filter by that issue and see who/what is being checked out. 

Here is a customer spotlight article about how they manage their loaner devices: 

Thank you @DWallis 434c1d brooklyn for adding in your thoughts and workflow here!! 😄


Is there a way to red flag a student who is a frequent borrower?


Is there a way to red flag a student who is a frequent borrower?

this is something else we would like to get setup, but havent found a way yet


Thank you.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@DOBrien 517b241 essextech @JJimenez 6639cbf ssccards There are a few ideas in Idea Exchange that would tie into this idea: 

