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I see that there is a pre-polulated dropdown list of fields available from Intune.

I’m not sure how I can bring in other common fields in to iiQ.
Primarily want to bring in RAM (Total Physical Memory) and BIOS.

Does anybody know how to do this? Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

Unless you want to use custom fields, this would be an enhancement request similar to this one: 


Wow… 🤔  an Enhancement?
I guess I never noticed that iiQ left out a Memory field on Assets>Computers
Seems like it should be a basic field that is included.  Kind of important.
While we have it available in MDMs, sure seems like it should be in iiQ.
Storage space and other fields are there.
I guess I’ll vote it up and wait. I would suggest a custom field, then. The idea is for them to be custom; you add in what information you want to see. I hope this helps. 


@Kathryn Carter and I would suggest that if you are offering an asset system for computers that you have a built in field for RAM/Memory… which is an essential piece of data that any technology person would want to see. Submitted the idea on your behalf: 

