
Is there a way to Link multiple assets at once instead of one by one?

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The example is linking multiple laptop assets to one cart instead of individually linking the asset one at a time.


Best answer by TAnders 5 May 2022, 00:51

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12 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +6

Can’t you do this here:



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@Belcher.shane That’s where we are, on linked assets.  But (in my for instance) I have a spreadsheet with serial numbers.  It would be helpful to copy and paste, say, 10 serial numbers and have them all linked.  Right now, it’s a one at a time deal hitting + Link Asset then the item.

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Team, this may be the way (to use a Star Wars theme on May 4):

There’s a “bulk actions” item in the training.  Heading there now.


Edit: don’t go to that.  The video shows using a barcode scanner to add multiple in, not a spreadsheet.  @aaronca1 if you have access to a scanner, go for it that way!

Userlevel 6
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The easiest way that we found was to create a new asset view and set your filters to “Asset” then copy/paste from your spreadsheet, it will load all the asset tags or serial numbers in and select them to add to the view. Then you can add your cart/storage locker to the same view and bulk “link” them in there.


Fun side story, this is how we also discovered a bug in the first launch of the bulk action items update a month or two back, one of our agents did this exact method but the system overflowed and assigned EVERY asset in the system to a single user, including like software models and locations.

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Oh that side story is funny (would be terrible when it first happened but darn funny afterwards)!


YES!  The steps you gave are doing exactly what I needed!  114 cracked screens going into a ticket now.  Thank you!!!

Userlevel 6
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Oh that side story is funny (would be terrible when it first happened but darn funny afterwards)!


YES!  The steps you gave are doing exactly what I needed!  114 cracked screens going into a ticket now.  Thank you!!!

Awesome, glad to hear it’s working. Luckily the IIQ admins and dev team were able to rollback that change, but it sure was fun to see a teacher assigned “Google SSO” and “Microsoft Windows” as their own asset.

Userlevel 4
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I haven’t tried this but i wonder if you could create a linked asset column in the import file and update multiple items at once that way by providing the asset tag.  

Userlevel 6
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@Belcher.shane thanks for jumping in with the quick responses! @TAnders thanks for not only helping here, but catching that bug a few months back! I hate that it happened, but it sounds like you can look back and laugh now 😀

@KevinWeirSGUSD the force is strong with this answer 😉  glad you were able to find a solution!

@aaronca1 were you able to find your answer?

Userlevel 6
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I haven’t tried this but i wonder if you could create a linked asset column in the import file and update multiple items at once that way by providing the asset tag.  

I have tried this, and it is not currently possible. I know I put that in as an enhancement request on the old enhancement board, not sure if it was moved to the new one yet.

Userlevel 6
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@Belcher.shane, @TAnders is correct, this is not currently possible. You are more than welcome to add it to Idea Exchange until the old ideas are moved over. 

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@Jessica Adkins This solution worked great thanks.

Userlevel 6
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@aaronca1 awesome! I’m glad the community members were able to help 😎
