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Has Incident IQ came up with a Mandatory Serial number field yet?  This field would be a blessing if it’s possible.  

@FMullen 6130352 longwoodcsd Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄 

You are able to require asset information! Head to Admin / Required Fields. The fields with the lock are required to stay on by iiQ. However, you can add additional required fields, like serial number, to those assets. Just slide the toggle on.

Here is the KB Guide as well. I hope this helps 😄

I was thinking on the lines of when a ticket get submitted for the first time. 

@FMullen 6130352 longwoodcsd Are you referring to a custom field? You want to require your requestors to add the serial number of the device when they are submitting their ticket, correct? 



@FMullen 6130352 longwoodcsd I would suggest adding a number custom field, naming it serial number and then marking it required: 

I hope this helps! 

I don’t see number in the custom filed category 


@FMullen 6130352 longwoodcsd Where are you looking at? You will need to create the Custom Field before adding it. 


Okay great I was able to add a Field for a Serial Number but, what would be the Field type?   There are numbers and letters in a serial number at times. 

@FMullen 6130352 longwoodcsd You can do Text. You will be able to add number and letters to that type! 

If I set this up will it require a serial number for all assets? I only want serial numbers for Chromebooks.

@MaryReed Great question. It looks like this was just answered by ​@KellenH_iiQ on this thread. Check it out: 


Good morning ​@FMullen 6130352 longwoodcsd !

I will just copy and paste my response on this from another post to spread the word a little easier!

Using custom fields is the way to achiev this! The KB article they added will guide you along the way if you are brand new to them, but I will attach some screen shots of one I made showing you what it would like. 

  1. Create the custom field and made sure the Visible to Requestor and Required boxes are checked. 
  2. Go into the ticketing tab and add your newly created custom field to a ticket, for the filter select model, and then select all of your districts chromebooks. 
  3. Now when someone opens a ticket under that model of chromebook, this will appear on the ticket AND be required to be added before they can submit the ticket!


Hopefully this helps, and have a wonderful rest of your day!
