Printing off class roster with device information

  • 29 April 2022
  • 4 replies

Badge +1

We have not trained teachers in using the verify assets with My classes, we are just not there yet. Is there a way though without going to each class to print a report that shows the same information so we can simply hand the teacher the paper report they can manually check right now? Yes, I know the other way is easier but we do not have any teacher access yet and we don’t have staff capacity right now to enable that yet.


Thank you for any suggestions. 


4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

@svogelsong  There really isn't an easy way to pull this information directly. If you have classrooms assigned to the devices then you could pull a report of assets in the classroom and the user assigned to them. But this would be a tedious thing to do for each class throughout the district. Potentially just take screenshots of the views and print those out, or export them as individual CSV files.



Userlevel 7
Badge +16

My Classes would be the best option. There is training in Incident IQ Academy on how to verify assets using My Classes for your teachers. 😁

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

We would also like the option to export a My Class view of roster info and device assignment as a PDF or printable.  Paper is sometimes easier for teachers, than dealing with logins and typing barcodes or scanning.

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

@nathaniel_lindley As a teacher who worked off of paper easier than computers, I totally understand the need for printing that report with the assets included. Here is an idea about being able to export all columns for you to upvote and comment: 

