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I have a custom asset field that is viewable without any issues on the full IIQ website, but when viewing it on the mobile app the field is displayed for the asset but the data for the custom field is blank.

The users that are looking at the assets and reported it to me are agents and have the necessary permissions to view the field and its data as they have no issues when logged in on their PCs.

To provide details on the field: It is a RichText and contains a clickable link to an external web address for the assets warranty information. The field is updated via bulk upload and is set to]/warranty with the actual serial number in place of the tSERIALNUM]. Below is a screenshot of the field’s properties:



Is there an issue with RichText fields on the mobile app, or am I missing something else?

@rp2022 Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

I believe this is a functionality gap between web and mobile. Our mobile and web functionality are written in total separate code so it does not mean that if it is supported on web it will immediately show on mobile. You are welcome to submit this as an Idea Exchange request but I have made a note to our Product team for this. 

@rp2022 and ​@Kathryn Carter Hi! I’ve recently done some work with a district with custom fields in the mobile app and learned there are supported and unsupported custom fields within the mobile app. 😊
According to this KB article the Rich Text Field should be supported on mobile:

All custom fields can be viewed on mobile, whether they contain a value or are empty.

Thank you ​@Kathryn Carter ​@EStapf_iiQ as always!

I actually did come across that KB Guide prior to submitting this question and noticed that Rich Text should be supported (sadly I was kinda hoping it wasn’t so I’d at least know what the issue was). I’m not seeing anything with the field’s properties that would cause it to not display that value, so I essentially gave up and submitted a ticket with support to see if they see something I didn’t.
