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Rules to automatically disable Chromebook when a student moves

  • 17 April 2024
  • 5 replies

So we have students that have a tendancy to take their Chromebook with them when the leave the district. We usually disable their accounts, but the Chromebook is still active. I’ve poked around in the rules and I can’t quite find what I am looking for.

What I’d like to see is a way for iIQ to look at the student’s role. In this case, no access. Then I’d like to see it run a rule that looks for any Chromebooks that are assigned to them and then disable them via a rule. 

I’ve seen a few that are close to what I need, but doesn’t do what I want it to do.


5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

@MMorris 407ff1d belprecity Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

Do you have Google Devices? You are able to set the device status in Google via rules:


Userlevel 2

@Kathryn Carter 

I do rules for when we do a manual unassign and assignment to enable and disable the Chromebook when checking it in or out.

What I would like to do is when a user’s status changes to no access, we could fire off a rule that any assigned Chromebook is then disabled and marked as “missing”.

Badge +1

I have a bit of an idea, there may be a better method than this though:


You can set up the “Write orgUnitPath to Google” and set a translation map with the filter “Role = No Access” (and whatever other filters, i.e. model category = chromebook, location = x,y,z, w/e) to some OU. You can then set up a Rule for “Assets - when 'Updated'” where the filter is “Application filters - Org Unit Path = the OU you set” and the action is “Set device status in Google - DisableDevice”


I haven’t tested this at all, but in my head it works. If the action doesn’t work you could also set up that OU to be very restrictive, I’m not sure if you can set an OU to disable all chromebooks in it, but you can do things like restricting the user to your own account.

Userlevel 2
Badge +3

We do something like this automatically on a schedule. “Disabled User” is a device status we created to separate them out from something like a missing device. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Thank you @kyle_koller and @spsalexs for jumping in on this thread. Do either of these options work for you? @MMorris 407ff1d belprecity 
