See models without issues

  • 13 March 2024
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 1

We are finding that occasionally models get created and assets for that model added. But the models are not assigned to a model category such that they have issues assigned to them. This means when someone starts with that asset and creates a ticket they end up at a dead end because there is no issue in order to move the ticket forward.

I suppose this could be solved by not allowing moving forward without assigning issues. Or if there was a way to get to a view that showed models without issues, we could police it ourselves. Or there is something else obvious we are missing.

I agree people should not create this situation to begin with, but when someone forgets it won’t resurface until someone attempts to submit a ticket and notifies the IT Department. 

Open to advice or suggestions.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

@GFranseth 400b11b butlertech Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

I know we discussed this during open office hours, but to follow up, I filtered by the Model Categories but excluded the existing ones. This did give me a few results to add those assets to a model cateogry.

However, @JTherrien_iiQ is still looking into this for you! 
