We are trying to set up a system where there is basically like a spare pool that would be located in the school office. The secretary would use that pool of assets (chromebooks) to assign out to students via the checkout feature. That new asset would then be assigned to them and the secretary would take in the broken device and check it in, not into the pool but then they put in a ticket.
What we would like is something where we can easily view what devices and how many are left in the spare storage area not yet assigned, and if possible, set up a rule or something to either open a ticket or send an email notification once the number of chromebooks available in that location gets to a certain threshold.
We are set on the check-in/out segment but are lacking the experience with the system to set up a digital segment of assets for us in the IT office to be able to know when they need more.
On a side note, we would also be looking to use this same type of system for a daily loaner system. Basically, if a kid forgets their chromebook or the battery is dead, they are issued one for the day. The secretary checks it out to them and then would check it back in at the end of the day, assigning it back to that pool. Ideally, this would have something that would also be able to show them if a chromebook was not returned that day fairly easily.
I know its a pretty specific type of situation we are looking for but I am just wondering if anyone else is already doing something similar and how.