
Spare Pool exporting and filtering needs work

  • 14 September 2022
  • 6 replies

Userlevel 2
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We have Chromebook Spare Pools for each of our schools. Currently the only way for me to get an export (excel) of them is to go to Assets Explorer, click on each individual spare pool, and exporting them one by one. This takes a VERY long time, we have a lot of schools. Even worse is you can’t right click and open in new tab, to open a bunch of them all at once. Have to click on one, export, go back, wait for it to load, click on another, rinse and repeat.

When I’m viewing the spare pool it shows a special filter:

Yet clicking on that automatic filter does nothing, it just spins forever:

I also don’t see any Spare Pool filters in the Filter screen:


I don’t see a way to do a Filter and select Spare Pool and have a district wide report.

In Spare Pool Dashboard there is also no way to export the list of spares with who items are assigned to.


Best answer by etan 21 February 2023, 20:10

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6 replies

Userlevel 7
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@etan Thank you for being patient, I was waiting on confirmation from our team on this. You should be able to pull your reports this morning 😄

Userlevel 2
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Issue still exists.

But now instead of infinite loading, it quickly errors when clicking on the spare filter when viewing a site’s spare pool. There is still no dedicated Spare Pool filter when going to Assets Explorer, (select something), Filter.


Userlevel 7
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@etan Don’t worry, I have not forgotten about you. Have you tried scrolling down to the bottom of spare pool and pulling your report from there? 


Userlevel 2
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@etan Don’t worry, I have not forgotten about you. Have you tried scrolling down to the bottom of spare pool and pulling your report from there? 



That report is not helpful all it shows is statistic.

The loaner report I want is a list of the Chromebook’s serials and their Locations.

Again currently this is possible only by going to Asset Explorer scrolling to the bottom and there is a list of Spare Pools. But again, I have to click each Location one by one and export separately.
We should be able to go to Asset Explorer, create a new view, select Spare Pool filter and make our own list/export.

Userlevel 7
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@etan Hi again, The report you are wanting to pull is not currently possible.

I am attaching an idea posted about Sparepool Filters - please go upvote and comment! 😄

Userlevel 2
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I just noticed there are now Spare Pool filters! This is working great now, thank you!

