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I need an easy way for our CTAE Teachers to inventory their items. They are switching from Destiny to IIQ, and I need the process to be similar. In Destiny, the items are checked out to a room, not a person. I want to do a batch check-in, but I must assign hundreds of assets to the teacher first and If that teachers leaves now I have to reassign all of these items. Keep in mind that the Inventoried items are things like Hammers, Welding Gloves, Ovens, Clothing, Airplanes, Socket sets, Toilets, you name it. I would like to assign the items to the room but Im not sure if thats possible. What's the best way to approach setting this up?

You can import a sheet of assets using the template and enter the Room name/numbers you want to assign them to on the import. One stop shop to update them all, it will also create ones that are not currently in IIQ.

@MaryReed Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄 

@TAnders has a great suggestion for using that CSV to import the updated if it is already within a spreadsheet.If those items, like Hammers, gloves, etc, need to be assigned to a room and not a human, you can add them as a facility asset if they only live in that room. Just another thought. 

Is the inventory process different if I add them to the Facility Asset Type? I do not want these items assigned to the teacher because that changes frequently. Also, I don't think a Batch Check-in Check-out will work for them either. They must scan each item to verify the equipment is in their room twice a year. I want this to be as easy as possible for the teachers since they are responsible for the inventory.  @TAnders @Kathryn Carter This is all new for me so I appreciate your help. 

@bclark @Cozmo03 Do your teachers verify those facility assets within their rooms? I know at my old district, our TST would come around and check in those assets for us one day, like printers and projectors before Christmas break and EOY. 

@bclark @Cozmo03 Do your teachers verify those facility assets within their rooms? I know at my old district, our TST would come around and check in those assets for us one day, like printers and projectors before Christmas break and EOY. 

No, the IT department would verify all assets. We would not ask the teachers to do that. We haven’t really done a an asset audit for facility devices since we have moved to IIQ.  We probably should huh? It was mentioned to field techs to double check inventory when you are in a room just to see if everything is still matching, but I am not sure that is being done. I assume it is not.

I plan to import the assets with room numbers and make the teacher the owner. I don't care what process I use as long as the teacher can scan the items and the asset is marked as verified. I created a rule so that it will log anything checked in or out as verified. So when they run a report, it will have the day the asset was scanned/checkedout but would the teacher Batch-check assets in and out to themself? Remember that the assets are not devices, so the auto verify won't work. The assets are things like Hammers, Ovens, Robots, Drills, Drones, you name it—everything except a computer.  @TAnders mentioned using Facilitiy Assets. Should I use that instead of the Custom (CTAE) asset type I created? The only reason I created the custom asset type was to make it easy for the CTAE to see only their assets. 

@MaryReed I have been thinking on this thread so please don’t think I have been ignoring you!

I think that adding those as assets in the system and giving the teacher batch check-in/out permissions should work for your use case. This will allow your teachers to verify the assets themselves and allow them to be verified in the system. 
