Virtual Workshop
Thu, 9 May, 19:00 - 20:00

Product Takeover - Enhanced Team Management

About this event

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Product Enhancement Takeover

At the start of our Open Office Hours, we will be joined by a special guest from our product team who will talk about the latest enhancements regarding the automatic mapping of Groups from your SSO to teams. This new feature will enable you to assign permission policies and routing rules to teams with ease. We invite you to join us as we go through these updates in detail and answer any questions you may have.



Incident IQ’s office hours provide you with an open forum for direct access to members of the Incident IQ Team to get all of your iiQ questions answered! Can’t attend this session due to a conflict in scheduling? We will host these open Office Hours on the second Thursday and fourth Wednesday of each month (we will adjust these dates for holidays as needed). Check out our events page to register for future office hours.

Our team will be on the call for the entire meeting, so join us when it is convenient! Whether that means coming for the whole call or popping in for 15 minutes to ask a quick question or listen in. We are here for you!


Why should you attend Office Hours? 

Clarify and ask questions

Do you have questions about help ticketing workflows or asset management strategies? Was a recent enhancement released that you have questions about how it will affect your site? We can help!

Functionality with Incident IQ

We can assist with answering your configuring and management questions, ensuring your iiQ system is tailored to your district’s needs.

Curious about other iiQ Modules, Apps, & Integrations?

Are you interested in learning more about these added features and enhancements that could benefit your school district? We are prepared to answer your questions about how these additions can transform your workflow. 

Share Experiences

These open office hours are designed to gain workflow management strategies and best practices, share what has or has not worked for you, and network with like-minded individuals. 

Event details
Online event
Thu, 9 May, 19:00 - 20:00 (UTC)