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We want to setup tickets to automatically be opened when a maintenance due date is coming up for a given asset.



Custom field (date): Inspection Due Date

We cannot seem to automate tickets to be opened when the inspection due date is <30 days away. Mechanics need to manually check the asset data to know when maintenance tasks like this are upcoming for any specific vehicle.


This seems like a pretty big shortcoming of IIQ facilities with regards to asset maintenance


Thank you for reaching out about this! While we currently cannot fully automate the opening of tickets based on an inspection due date that is less than 30 days away, I think there’s a solution that may come close to meeting your needs.


By utilizing an asset "on a schedule" rule in combination with a send email alert action, we can set up a process that will notify your Maintenance team when an asset's Inspection Due Date is approaching.


Here’s a sample of the email notification:



There could be some redundancy with the email alerts as the system will send an email for an asset on a daily/rolling basis until the 30 day timeframe has passed, however, the email alerts will show which asset has the pending inspection date, which could help pinpoint which "new" assets with upcoming inspection dates need to be reviewed.


Let me know if there are any questions upon review. Hope this helps some!
