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We love the Google device integration that exists with IIQ that allows us to disable / enable a Chromebook from within the platform. Likewise, I love the new rule engine feature that allwos me to automatically disable a Chromebook the second I change it’s status from In Service to Missing or Stolen. This allwos bulk disabling of devices vs manually clicking the button for each device. 

Anyhow, we have a small fleet of old Windows devices that we just converted to CloudReady/Google Flex devices. Basically they now primarily function as a Chromebook and appear in Google Admin but we do not have the ability to disable / enable them or get any of the data passback in IIQ like they were a “true” Chromebook. 

Does anyone know what fields need to be updated in order to get this syncing? Is it possible? 


We don’t current do any of those fancy rules, but it does look like our one windows device with flex does show the “Google Device Data Device Actions” where you can disable within IIQ.

Maybe under the Google Devices app check your OU location mappings as well as your model mappings?


@Mr.Dodge This is awesome. Thanks. I am working with support on this two but hoping to can answer the second part of my question that I asked them -- can you go into your Google Admin Devices section and let me know if your “ASSET TAG” and “SERIAL NUMBER” fields match what you blocked out here in IIQ? Support told me that these fields had to match (along with the device mapper in the Google Devices app for everything to connect. ie. if the serial here is ABC123 is this device in Admin as serial ABC123 as well? 

Looks like I can confirm the Serial Number and asset tag in fact do match between the systems.


@Mr.Dodge Thanks for confirming. Looks like I’ll need to change my serials as planned in IIQ to Match Google Admin Serials and then Map the models from Admin in the Google Devices app in IIQ to a model in IIQ. I am going to try to sync after that and that should probably get everything talking. 

Asset tag field I think won’t populate for me in Admin until I set that field to sync to Admin from IIQ, but it will be a good cross reference. 



@Mr.Dodge Thank you for jumping in on this one! I am glad to see our community members supporting one another. 

@bushwhack I am glad you have answers and you have a plan of attack! 

Hello, small update to anyone else who wants to reference -- 

I only needed to change the device serials in IIQ to match the Device Serials in Google Admin. 

I did not need to match / map models in IIQ Google Device app to get working. 

I did though create custom fields for the old device serial and old model since they were different than what was Google Admin but I did not want to lose those fields so I wanted to have them in case I need to reference the original device information later. And since we still have some models of those devices that are not Flex, I created new models to map to so that we did not confuse the non-Flex with the Flex.  

@bushwhack I am having a moment, probably a very simple thing to do, but how would I automatically disable a device when I change the status?

Hey @SMillsTVSD,

Absolutely. I do not know when this was implemented, but it was a massive time saving considering after device audits our policy was to disable the device if it failed the audit which required batch changing device asset statuses to “Missing” in IIQ and then manually open each asset page and click disable. 

These steps are dependent on you actually having the status write back enabled in the Google Devices app in IIQ set in the General settings obviously. 



If you do, in IIQ you go to Admin → Rules and then Ticketing is Assets and then Triggers is When Updated. 


From there, you set the rule like this -- 

Where I set the Conditions Met to Chromebooks with a status of “Stolen” or “Missing” so everytime a Chromebook status is updated to one of those two statuses, this rule triggers. From there, all you do is tell the Rule Engine to Set Device Status in Google to DisableDevice. 

You can have any other rules you want with that fire off to: ie. send an email to a user, etc. But I do not do that. 

Now, once saved, if you batch change that status of devices in IIQ to one of those statuses they will auto disable. 

To reverse this, basically copy the rule exactly and change the Status to everything but those two statuses (or use the “exclude selection” button to inverse the option). 


Let me know if that helps!

@bushwhack oh my gracious, I knew I was having a dork moment. I have created the rule and verified with a sync. 


Thank you so much!

Thanks for sharing that rule @bushwhack 

@SMillsTVSD you shouldn’t need to sync anything -- just change the device status and after a small delay the device should autolock on its own!

@WLewis 577560b rolla31 Absolutely. I have been wanting that for awhile. Not sure when it got here -- but I am SOOO glad it did. It only makes sense to be able to bulk lock and unlock those devices!
