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We have an SIS Integration (Rediker Admin Plus) using One Roster. I’m trying to cleanup our users and  I’m finding there are many that have a status of “tobedeleted”. See the image below.


The issue is nothing happens with these users (parents and students) and I cannot find a way to delete them. The “Delete User” option is not available in the “Actions” menu. Does anyone have any insight on this?

The “to be deleted” option seems to have a variety of triggers depending on which SIS you’re using. I wish I could find a nice little checklist to reference, but no such luck.

I’ve referenced this iiQ article a bit as I was sorting out my own staff issues: 

We use Infinite Campus as our SIS. In order for staff to show up as “active”, we need district assignments along with “employment assignment” information checkboxes checked off. Leaving all of them blank triggers “to be deleted” in OneRoster.

I’m not sure about students - somehow, those haven’t been an issue for us.

Do the students have active enrollments?

@AMeyer Greendale Schools No, the students are either inactive in the SIS or completely removed from the SIS due to graduation so their are no enrollments. There are no contacts associated either. I’ve tried removing the SIS link for the user to see if I would then be able to remove them but I cannot.

Okay, so that’s half of the puzzle. What’s your SSO? The student’s SSO account needs to be disabled, which then sets the user to the “no access” role, effectively hiding them from user views, etc.

@AMeyer Greendale Schools Currently we use Entra/Azure. But when we first started with IIQ we used Google. Most of these students are from when we used Google. Of the handful I checked, their Google accounts have been removed. 

So, if you go to their profile, at the top does it says “authenticated by Google SSO provider”, like my screenshot below?

If so, then check Apps>Manage>Google SSO. Users tab, about halfway down is Import Handling

Set to No Access should be checked/on.

