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Looking for any assistance from another district that is using MS SCCM Devices App successfully for Audit purposes…

Support states it has to match on name, but we do not have “names” in SCCM, only ID number.  ID numbers are unique, unlike names.  

If you are successful with audit and SCCM, what exact query field are they matching on?

@TCunning 583467e pfisd Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

I am going to reach out to our Support Team for additional information. In the meantime, can you provide me with an example of an asset and verification policy you are trying to process? Thanks! 

Systems team has been trying to get the field to work, but so far nothing. I am an example if we use my laptop:

 Remote verification profile: Verify First Half of Year. Recent Usage Period: 12/30/2024 (-14 days) or later. Allow shared usage: No. Device last used: 1/13/2025. Owner in IIQ: Tylene Cunning. Recent user in microsoftSccm: Unknown (pfisd\e801071). .Failed: Device user is not recognized in IIQ]

Everything is grayed out that would allow me to point it to another field.  Where in the SQL file does it need to be to recognize the user?

@TCunning 583467e pfisd Thank you for your patience - we have been working with multiple teams to see what the issue is. I think we are matching on the Owner Email field from SCCM and if the Email in the User Profile in iiQ does not match the Owner Email field in SCCM, then the verification will not match as being successful. Currently, you have the ID # in the "Owner Email" field which makes us think an actual email needs to match an iiQ user. Does that make sense? 

Yes, support said it had to be the users full name based on the error that this gives when it fails:

But I do see that it has this grayed out area that shows Owner’s email…

I have that info in a field, but how do I direct it to look at that field instead?

@TCunning 583467e pfisd Alright I met with our team and I believe there has been a miscommunication between my team, support and you. Here is to confirm and clarify:

SCCM matches by EMAIL name. This would mean matching by anything else (owner id number) would be considered an enhancement request which you can submit here:

