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Add more dates to an existing event/ticket

Is there a way to add dates to a ticket or event?  I have not been able to do so.  I cannot modify it as a ticket and when I try to do it in the event the blue apply selection button doesn’t actually apply the dates.  I have tried as an admin and also had the “owner” try.

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

@AHayes-Allen Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄 

Could you provide me with a specific example of this? Is there an event I can try to replicate this on? 


Ticket 7314 I tried to add 5/10 to the event but the blue apply selection button when pushed just shows a black outline, the button is still blue, and nothing else happens.

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

@AHayes-Allen are you trying to change the date or add the start date at 5/10? 


I would like to just add a date - any date😄.  That was an example. 

I was originally working on an event in November that I was trying to add dates to, start date was correct.  I could get the calendar dates into the list of dates and click the blue button but it didn’t actually add them and the blue button looked like it was pushed (black outline) but nothing happened after that.  I ended up just creating a new event for the extra dates.

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

@AHayes-Allen I ask because there is no reason you should not be able to manage those events as an iiQ admin. Please submit a ticket to support so they can further investigate what is going on here. 

