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Our IIQ admin and I would like to receive email updates from iiQ when things change on the site, that are not necessarily new features. For example, if something is not working properly on the site for a period of time, iiQ administrators should be notified that that’s not working properly, so they don’t think they made a change by accident, or are left wondering what’s going on. The same goes for when something is changed in the back-end or updated, and we are unsure of why something changed, or the fact that now we must be aware of the  change. One example of this is that currently, the ‘room assets’ are not populating. I thought it was something we changed on our end, but it’s an issue on iiQ’s side. It would be very helpful if we just received a brief notification whenever something is changed or down. This would really feel more communicative. Thank you. 

@jelemeno Thank you for submitting your idea to our Idea Exchange. 😄 

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