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I am just making sure what I believe will happen, will happen. We would like to change the Global Agent Permission to have less permissions.  Therefore, if we make the changes to that Global permission, any user that has the Role of Agent will then get the reduced permissions? Then we can build another permission for “adding” additional permissions to various users? I appreciate the confirmation.

Hi ​@mwhite that would be correct.

What we typically recommend as a best practice to downgrade the Agent role permissions is to remove the role of Agent from the Global Agent Permission policy and add that role to a lesser permission set like Faculty or Staff.

Then from there, you can create new permissions to assign to various teams or users and give them additional permissions!

I hope this makes sense! Let me know.

I understand what you are saying, but it is possible to adjust the Global Agent role?

@mwhite Absolutely. You can make changes to any global permission policy.


Ok, one last question. Are the Global permission seperate per module or does it cross modules.

For example; if a user is an Agent in Ticketing are they then an Agent in Facilities? Or can a user be in the role as Agent in Facilities and as the role as Faculty in ticketing?

@mwhite good question! Permissions are not cross product but roles are. If you are an agent in IT then you are an agent in Facilities. From there, you would just need to adjust permissions in each specific module. I hope this helps!
