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Cant read the academy quiz pictures

With the release of the new IQ Academy Certs, I tried it out. I had to stop taking the test. The picture examples in the test are to difficult to read, in order to answer the questions. They are blurry and semi unreadable.

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

@SMarion 490b5a6 purcellps 

Thank you for bring this to our attention. We will have our team look into the image issue in the Academy. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +9

@SMarion 490b5a6 purcellps We are in the process of investigating the image issue. To make sure we have all of the information, were you able to click on the picture to enlarge it? 

I was able to enlarge. It seemed like the resolution was not correct.

Userlevel 4
Badge +9

@SMarion 490b5a6 purcellps Thank you for letting me know. We will continue to work on this and get back to you.
