
Clone ticket categories to Knowledge Base?

Userlevel 1
Badge +2

Our ticket choices are almost completed. We’d like to be able to clone these to the Knowledge Base we’re building. This would provide a more uniform experience for the end user as well as streamline linking articles to ticket types.

Is it (or will it soon be) possible to do this?

3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +8

Hello @kristinm, There isn't a way to “clone”, but you can attach the Knowledge Base Article to certain tickets in the Recommended Solutions section. Please see the picture below and the article


I hope this helps.


Along these lines… is it possible to create/start a knowledge base article from a ticket?  For example, while working a ticket or just after submission, I’d like to be able to select a button, ‘Create knowledge base article’ and then have my information in my ticket to help build the article, with the ticket already attached as the recommended solution.

Is something like this possible?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@JHudson 207a71b trinitybasin 

I really like this idea, where you have quick access to create a new knowledge base article from a ticket view. Currently not possible from a ticket view. I would suggest adding this to our idea exchange for suggesting this as an enhancement:
