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I am mapping a computer name (NetBiosName) from SCCM to IIQ, making a new Custom Field (WSD Computer Name). I can use this custom field in making a filter for the views, but I don’t know how to attach it to the default Asset view when looking at a computer. Does anyone have an idea how to map a custom field from an App sync to the asset view?



Good Morning ​@akorkishko ! Thank you for your question.

If you go to filters and click on ‘custom field filters’ you do not see the custom field listed there?

You can also add it as a column in your view as well.


Please let me know if you have any questions!

Thank you for your response. I can do both what you listed (add a column and add a filter for a view), but what I am trying to do is to add the Custom Field to the Meta Data of the Asset Details View as I have done with manually added Custom Fields, see the screenshot below:



Hi ​@akorkishko ! I see what you are referring to. That ‘meta information’ section you have highlighted is only populated by internal iiQ created Custom Fields. Admin → Custom Fields.

The SCCM Custom Values you map in the integration will only populate in the following areas:

  1. On the Asset Details page under the App Information (However, this will not change the naming convention as you displayed above).
  2. Custom View- run a report for the SCCM Custom Field
  3. Add a column in a custom view. 

The only place you will see the naming convention change for those SCCM Custom Values is for #2 and #3 above.

I hope this helps!


ya you’ve verified what I was expecting. Can I turn this thread into a feature request or do I need to make another post?

@akorkishko I am going to lean on ​@Kathryn Carter’s best recommendation for this one. Kathryn, are we able to turn this into a feature request for ​@akorkishko . Thank you!

@akorkishko Let’s get this submitted separately and link this thread in there just to be sure. 😄 

Good Morning,


This would be amazing, and just tried to utilize the same Custom Fields within the SCCM iiQ app to try and accomplish the same task, as our new computer names don’t translate to serial or asset tag. But we need that information at times for remote support.


Also, it could be a great feature to create a Custom Field for installed software and filter* for those installs as a way to do a quick Software Audit. Say like Adobe Acrobat (64-bit) to see how many we have deployed to our fleet.

Is there a iiQ Feature Request for this topic by chance?

@JustinC I don’t see one submitted yet but it would be a great addition:

I think this is what the OP would be looking for:


I think this is what the OP would be looking for:


That was 2 years ago… lol

@akorkishko yep - great ideas that just collect votes and never make it to the product lol.
