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We like to run a report monthly for our Technology Support team showing how many tickets they created for the month. The report I run compared to when they pull up My Tickets from their dashboard is vastly different. Does anyone else do this? 

@jmayes Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

One thing that pops into my mind is that they could be submitting tickets for others and that would qualify as “tickets created by” for that filter. Can you provide a screenshot of your filters? 

@jmayes We also recently enhanced the ‘My Tickets’ behavior. I was able to receive a detailed list from ​@hstrickland_iiQ with the information of what each section now contains (OwnerID means that you are the owner or submitted the ticket, ForID is the ‘On Behalf Of’ user listed on the ticket).
The behavior should be consistent across all iiQ modules. 

  • In My Tickets (tabs):
    • For Me
      • Open and Closed tickets that have been submitted by me on behalf of myself (I am OwnerID AND ForID)
      • Open and Closed tickets that have been submitted by another user on my behalf (I am ForID)
    • For Others
      • Open and Closed tickets that have been submitted by me on behalf of another user (I am OwnerID, but NOT ForID)
    • Open Tickets
      • Open Tickets that I submitted (I am OwnerID) for any iiQ product
      • Open Tickets opened on my behalf (I am For ID) for any iiQ product
      • Open Tickets that I have been delegated permission to "View Ticket" as a Follower, as defined by Site Options defined in the product the Ticket belongs to, for any iiQ product.
      • Open Tickets that I have been delegated permission to "View Ticket" as Assigned Agent, as defined by Site Options defined in the product the Ticket belongs to, for any iiQ product.
      • Open Tickets that I have been delegated permission to "View Ticket" as member of Assigned Team, as defined by Site Options defined in the product the Ticket belongs to, for any iiQ product.
      • Open Tickets that I am the current Approver of as a User, for any iiQ product.
      • Open Tickets that I am the current Approver of as a Team Member, for any iiQ product.
      • Open Tickets that I have "View Ticket" permission for, for any iiQ product.
    • All Tickets
      • Open and Closed Tickets that I submitted (I am OwnerID) for any iiQ product.
      • Open and Closed Tickets opened on my behalf (I am For ID) for any iiQ product.
      • Open and Closed Tickets that I have been delegated permission to "View Ticket" as a Follower, as defined by Site Options defined in the product the Ticket belongs to, for any iiQ product.
      • Open and Closed Tickets that I have been delegated permission to "View Ticket" as Assigned Agent, as defined by Site Options defined in the product the Ticket belongs to, for any iiQ product.
      • Open and Closed Tickets that I have been delegated permission to "View Ticket" as member of Assigned Team, as defined by Site Options defined in the product the Ticket belongs to, for any iiQ product.
      • Open and Closed Tickets that I am the current Approver of as a User, for any iiQ product.
      • Open and Closed Tickets that I am the current Approver of as a Team Member, for any iiQ Product.
      • Open and Closed Tickets that I have "View Ticket" permission for, for any iiQ product.

        Hope this helps!

Thank you for the info. I am attaching an example of one of my Support Center Agents -

From her “My Tickets” - 

My report returns this - 

All my agents have differences. 

@jmayes Ahhhh, thank you for providing the screenshots! In your report the filter for Agent means that the ticket was assigned to that Agent. In the ‘For Others’ report on the user dashboard, those are going to be Open and Closed tickets that have been submitted by that user on behalf of another user (nothing to do with who the assigned agent is for the tickets). 
I think we’d need to dive into what information you are looking to report on and then I can see what I can do to point you to the right set of conditional filters. 😊

Thank you so much! Sorry I didn’t reply sooner.  I am basically trying to get a report of how many tickets each of my agents put in for the month. Whether they created them for someone else, or resolved them themselves.  

I appreciate any light you can shed on the situation…..

@jmayes I believe you can look under the ‘For Others’ report on the user dashboard. Those are going to be Open and Closed tickets that have been submitted by that user on behalf of another user. I hope this helps! 😄

@jmayes If I’m understanding correctly, you are looking for a report of both tickets an user created for themselves OR on behalf of someone else. In my experience the ‘Requestor’ is the person that submits the ticket even if there is another user listed in the ‘on behalf of’ space.
I believe you would need to create an individual ticket custom view per user to obtain this information. If you used a Rolling Date Filter, such as ‘Last Month’, you would build the report once and it would always be kept current. It would look something like this (the Requestor filter is where you would choose each person separately so there was one view for each person you are looking to report on):

Is this what you are looking for?
