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I received a sticker at an IIQ Lunch and Learn yesterday, and we love this logo so much that we’d like to use it in other places. Would it be possible to get a digital/PNG version of this? I was able to make one using my phone but it doesn’t look as good as the real version would.


Hi @KBliek 4704ab7 newarkcsd we do have an email signature version of the sticker located here that is downloadable: 

As a former district tech, I would say this phrase ALL THE TIME! It’s a great way to communicate with end users that if they submit a ticket they are more likely to get the streamline result they desire. 😉
Hope this helps!

Thank you so much! It would be great to see this on a t-shirt too. Could start a database of every school’s logo who uses IIQ, put the school logo on the front left, and then the Submit a ticket logo on the back of it. I would buy a t-shirt instantly!

@KBliek 4704ab7 newarkcsd Your feedback on the t-shirt is noted, and I will bring it up in our next meeting for sure! 😆

well I downloaded that image so fast my Chromebook didn’t know what to do with itself.

In my previous district, someone (I cannot remember her title for the life of me) created a QR code that linked to our iiQ instance. She printed stickers out, and many of us attached them to our laptops 😂
