Resolve button on iOS Mobile app is not very responsive.

Userlevel 1
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I have multiple users complaining that it is unresponsive and due to it’s placement and need to hold its flipping them to the app carousel before engaging.


Seems fine on my Android but I think this is a fair UX/UI criticism.

12 replies

Userlevel 2

I have an iPhone 14 Pro and Pixel 6a and the hold to resolve button is awful. It doesn’t indicate that it is doing anything when pushing it. 5 seconds is a long time to hold to resolve. Were there people accidentally hitting that? What was the purpose for adding that? Can it be optional?

Userlevel 2

I have an iPhone 14 Pro and Pixel 6a and the hold to resolve button is awful. It doesn’t indicate that it is doing anything when pushing it. 5 seconds is a long time to hold to resolve. Were there people accidentally hitting that? What was the purpose for adding that? Can it be optional?

Simultaneously, the recent ticket view at the top of the screen takes up close to half the display, would be nice to get rid of that as well.

Userlevel 7
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@Kpeers @ZGarber 4208988 glshelp Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄 

There was a Mobile update last night. Please update your devices and let me know if this is fixed for you. 

Userlevel 2

@Kpeers @ZGarber 4208988 glshelp Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄 

There was a Mobile update last night. Please update your devices and let me know if this is fixed for you. 

Hi Kathryn,


I have installed the updates and am now able to resolve tickets, but there is still no indication that you are properly clicking on the hold to Resolve button. Furthermore, when clicking on select status while on a ticket, the cancel button no longer works and you are forced to exit the app and relaunch it.

Userlevel 7
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@ZGarber 4208988 glshelp I spoke with our Apps and Integrations head and the resolution will be released soon to have this function as intended. I will let you know when I hear additional news. Thanks. 


while i get the idea of preventing accidental resolution of a ticket.. i would love to have some kind of feedback that the app is acknowledging the fact that I’m holding the button and some form of visual indication of how long i need to keep pressing the button. especially when the “hold to Resolve” is an abnormally long hold time. most phone “long press” features are 0.5-1.5 seconds, so this feels very unintuitive. i think having the button be a “progress bar” and fill with a darker color from one side to the other would alleviate a lot of the confusion my users are struggling with. also perhaps give a brief tactile buzz when the menu pops up to give some non-visual indication that the hold is complete

Userlevel 7
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@BDillingham 803fb64 mabankisd Forwarding this feedback to our Product team; thank you for including it on this thread. Please note that our product team is active within our community and takes your feedback into consideration for our Product. 😄


This is by far one of the worst feature updates IIQ has done.  Get rid of the hold for resolve button.  My entire IT and Facilities staff can’t stand it and refuse to update and close tickets on the app now.

Userlevel 2

This is by far one of the worst feature updates IIQ has done.  Get rid of the hold for resolve button.  My entire IT and Facilities staff can’t stand it and refuse to update and close tickets on the app now.

It’s been a dismal transition here also. I agree that this update has made a lot of things worse.


The recent tickets taking up a lot of the screen and when searching in the app you only get the top 3 hits now. I used to be able to scroll and see everyone or everything that matched the criteria, now it is just the top 3, and it’s present in no particular order either.

Userlevel 7
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@MLockwood4 @ZGarber 4208988 glshelp Thank you for your feedback. Our product team has been notified of your comments.

Userlevel 6
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Mentioned this in the last Office Hours but one of our Agents who uses the app regularly said he preferred it the old way too. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Thank you all for your feedback regarding the mobile update for “Holding to Resolve.”


Our team is always looking for feedback. I am happy to announce that there has been another update to iiQ’s Mobile App.


Now, the "Hold to Resolve" experience has been enhanced to display a "loading" component as the end user holds the option and now also uses haptic feedback. Users can let go at any point, and it will reset the first time they hold it down. It will vibrate when they first hold the resolve button, then vibrate a second time to let them know that they've held it on long enough.


