
Rules Engine: Why can I not auto-assign subtasks (or subtickets) to tickets generated from email?

  • 8 May 2023
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 3
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Like many schools, we’re using Incident IQ’s rules engine to enable the creation of tickets from requests sent via email.

To do this, we’re using the “From email” trigger, as described here.

That said, we’d like to expand upon this by also assigning subtasks to that ticket. This knowledge base article explains how to assign subtickets via rules; however, I’m not seeing the “create subtickets” option from the list of available actions when using the “From email” trigger:

The “Create Subtickets/Subtasks” option is missing from the list of available actions when using the “From email” trigger in the Incident IQ rules engine.


However, if I switch to a different trigger type, the option is available:

Because anything else would make too much sense, right?

Is there any other way to enable the creation of subtickets/subtasks on tickets created via email?

For what it’s worth, I did try and get around this arbitrary limitation by recreating the email-to-ticket rule using another trigger category; however, Incident IQ rejected the email and returned it back to the sender.  


Me when the best ticketing system on the planet prevents us from achieving perfection.

Best answer by EStapf_iiQ 8 May 2023, 04:28

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1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

@zige Hey Eric! You are so close with this one. =) All triggers are not equal. In this case you will need to use the ‘Approve ticket creation from email’ action in your first rule where the trigger is ‘From email’.

THEN you will need to write a second rule and use a ‘When created’ ticket rule with the’Create Subtickets/Subtasks’ action:

Try this and let me know if you need to schedule some time on my calendar. Thanks!
