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I have a question about Special events and how to connect the event date to the calendar. Also, is the view All Events only available  with specific packages, because I don’t see this option on our Dashboard. 

It would be very helpful if the “When does the event take place?” and “When can IT set-up?” fields synced with the calendar. When I read iiq help articles it seems like this should be happen automatically. 

Any suggestions on this would be appreciated! 


Thank you, 

Eva Wells


Tech Department 



@EWells 800c77b nacs Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

It looks like you do not have the Events module. Are you looking to create this as a ticketing workflow or are you interested in the Events module? 

@EWells 800c77b nacs I wanted to follow up on this thread. Are you looking to create this as a ticketing workflow or are you interested in the Events module? 

Of course,  we’re a public school so the budget is tight! Our district is large and we have several schools scheduling special events. Many of these events are months away, so they sit in our ticket pool with a status of Future Event > Not Assigned. They are not synced with the calendar feature in iiq. Which would be very helpful. As it is now, an event could be easily missed because there is no way to set a “reminder” to assign an event as the date becomes closer. 

I hope this makes sense! 

Thank you for getting back with me! As I look at way to resolve this issue...I appreciate the help! 


Thank you, 

Eva Wells


Tech Department 

@EWells 800c77b nacs Have you thought about adding a due date onto those tickets? With due dates, you can set reminders for those events! 


No I haven’t! I’ll try that today and let you know how it works! 


Thank you, 

Eva Wells 

Tech Department 


@EWells 800c77b nacs Looking forward to hearing about it!! 

I believe the Due Date with the reminder function will work great! I created 2 test tickets using the due dates feature and added two different notification days to see how the Due Date function works. I’m interested in seeing who receives email notifications as well. I guessing all followers will get an notification email. I am wondering if you can create a rule that links an agent to an Action or Status? The objective for the rule would be to send an email to a linked this possible? 


What I’m trying to accomplish is a system that notifies the agent assigning help tickets that a Special Event ticket needs to be assigned. I want to assigned Event tickets between 5 to 7 ahead of the event. 

Thank you for your help on this! We are getting somewhere! YaY 

Thank you, 

Eva Wells

Tech Department 

@EWells 800c77b nacs 

Im glad Due Dates feature is working out 😁

The due date reminder emails - These emails and notifications go to the assigned Agent, assigned Team members, or both if both are assigned. They do not go to ticket Followers.

  • Reminders will be sent on business days (M-F) 
  • Reminders do not include weekends


Our Academy team also just launch a new course specifically around Due Date and Work Calendar. I would definitely go check it out 😁 

Thanks, Hannah Bailey!

I created a few test tickets with enough time built in to get the reminder emails. I will definitely participate in the new course on the Due Date and Work Calendar features.  


Appreciate you! 

Eva Wells

NACS Tech Department 

Hi Hannah Bailey, 

Sorry the delay in communication, as we were on fall break. The Due Date feature is great. Events are on the calendar and I was able to set up 2 reminder dates for out test Events. I hoped to find an email reminder from iiq waiting in my email box after break. However, there was no reminder - no ‘Event’ notification from iiq.  I was disappointment but decided to check out the new course you talked about - Due Date and Work Calendar.

Tickets for Events can be submitted days or months a head of time. Tickets are then assigned to agents on a weekly base.  So Event tickets accumulate in the ticket pool until they are assigned. Tickets can be in the pool for days or months depending on when they are submitted during the school year. This is why the notifications are important. From the link you sent, I believe that by creating a Team and assigning Event tickets to this Team it will generate a reminder that is emailed to team members. The ticket can then be assigned to the agent working at that specific location at the set time and place of the event. 

To test the Team function, I created a ‘Future Event’ team and made myself a team member. I was excited this morning! There it was...the email reminder for my test event!! YaY!  Our ticket pool still remains full of Special Events tickets. They can sit in the pool for months. Is there a way to separate Event Tickets from the ticket pool? 

I hope this creates a picture of what I’m trying to accomplish. 


Thank you, 

Eva Wells

NACS Tech Department 

@EWells 800c77b nacs What is the status of those tickets in waiting? Where are you looking to view these tickets? 

The status is Dashboard > Open Tickets> Unassigned. 



@EWells 800c77b nacs If they are not assigned to anyone, they will stay in that unassigned category until they are assigned. 

Can you create a new tab under Open Tickets with a rule that would move with a Status of ‘Future Event’ to this new location? For example, Open Tickets> Unassigned > Status> Future Events (a new tab under Open Tickets).  




Eva Wells

NACS Tech Department 


@EWells 800c77b nacs You cannot update those tabs at this time; however, I would love to see this implemented 

