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My rules don’t appear to be running against a portion of my tickets. I did find out that for a week or so another administrator had disabled my rules. Once i noticed, i reactivated them, but since then, they have not rerun on any tickets from that time. They are working on current tickets, so the rules still work. 

I can bulk close these stale tickets, but i would prefer to run the final rule to send out the associated email once last time to the user. Can I manually run a rule against a bult of tickets?



@CDOWNER 1270f34 christina Thanks for submitting your question regarding the stale rule that was disabled. When I check the rule itself it looks like you’ll need to go back in a choose a number within the second conditional filter for ‘Days Stale’:

When the rule was disabled it may have ‘lost’ that number. Once that is added the schedule should run and close those tickets for you.

Once you add that number you can run the rule in the rule simulator and it should tell you how many tickets that rule will run on!

Hope this helps!

what in the world….why would that have gone away? Thank you. I didn’t even notice that. One of the other admins was adding and removing agents, to some of them...maybe he just clicked in some wrong boxes accidentally.

Thank you for pointing that out. 

what in the world….why would that have gone away? Thank you. I didn’t even notice that. One of the other admins was adding and removing agents, to some of them...maybe he just clicked in some wrong boxes accidentally.

Thank you for pointing that out. 

Always happy to help!
