
All Open Tickets vs Available to work


Apologies if this has been asked and answered already but in the Open Tickets view, what's the difference between "All Open Tickets" and "Available to Work?"

Are there ever any instances where an open ticket is not available to work?

Is it possible to remove one of these tabs if they’re redundant in how we have things configured?


Best answer by AJennings 2039489 daretolearn 5 June 2024, 15:19

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I could imagine a workflow where you have users who can view tickets but can’t work them based on location, type of ticket, or assigned team.  For instance, our ITF in one school could see all tickets in the district but only work tickets in their building. 

You could also set it up so that tickets assigned to the network team can’t be snagged by someone else, but you want them to easily be able to see the progress of the ticket.   

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@MAndrada 510b733 powayusd Great question and @AJennings 2039489 daretolearn thank you for providing that additional information. 


