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Hi all brand new to IIQ so if I am posting in the wrong place please be gentle.

My question is there a way to have a rule auto assign a ticket to the creator.  I created a category called To Do list and will use that to track my personal project list.  Wondering if I could create a rule that when that category is selected it auto assigns to the person that created it.    

Hey @SSchlomann 4706981 sdw!
Welcome to the iiQ Community. You are in the right place to ask any questions you may have. 😁


Interesting workflow you are creating with the “To Do List” as a category. There currently is not an single action in Rules where you can auto assign the requestor of the ticket to be the agent working the ticket. BUT you could configure a rule (which i have not tested yet) for each individual and apply filters that says:

User = {add user}
Issue Category = “Other Request: To Do List”

Action = Assign to agent {user}

Not sure how many agent or iiQ admin you have. So this may be time consuming depending on your number of agents. 😐


I see that issue category you have set up and you only have it visible to iiQ Admin and Agents. Another way would be whenever the iiQ Admin or Agent submits the ticket, I would suggest they manually start that ticket which will assign that ticket to themselves. 

But, we do have a built in “To Do List” widget on the Dashboard. If you are looking for a quick check list option for your agents. 


I did notice the built in To Do List after I posted.  I am checking that out now.  The only issue so far is I can’t seem to change the due date on the To DO Item.  Thanks for the reply here it is helpful.



@SSchlomann 4706981 sdw 

Can you give me an example a use case of this? Agents would want to submit a ticket for themselves to do...? 

Wanting to gain more information because we do have another app “Advance Ticketing” that is free that can provide additional features, such as Subtasks and Subtickets. 



Primarily to use as an organization tool for myself and others.  To assign myself  development project tasks.  See person in the hallway, person asks “hey can you do a report for me that shows this”  I say sure, walk away and forget totally about it.  I was looking for a quick way to enter a ticket and assign it to myself in a few clicks so I can incorporate these tasks into my daily work flow.

Again I am very new to IIQ ( less than a month ) so perhaps this stuff will work itself out as I get more familiar with the tool.


@SSchlomann 4706981 sdw Thank you for that additional information. 

Another option would be to utilize a ticket template. You can create these templates and assign the ticket to yourself.

I quickly made one to show you. You can name the ticket template, choose the location, and specify the "To Do List." Then, in the "Action" section, you can set it to assign to yourself. I recommend selecting the "Do not process any more rules" option.



Next when you are submitting a ticket, you just select the ticket template from the first screen, then you are able to add the additional information needed and it will generate ticket and assign it to ourself. 


I hope this helps 😁


If you are using a ticket template for this, there’s an “Assign to submitter” action you can use - we are using it in a couple of our templates.


@jclark just learned something new. I didn't know that was an action in ticket templates. Great call out!

Would love to see this action in the Rules Engine 😁

@jclark just learned something new. I didn't know that was an action in ticket templates. Great call out!

Would love to see this action in the Rules Engine 😁

We were looking at this today and were wishing for an “Assign to Submitter” option in the rules engine.

@STiffany 140a147 ahschools This would be a great addition to our Idea Exchange:
