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When creating buik tickets for devices, I am running into an issue with sub tickets. When someone closes out the parent ticket, the sub ticket assigns to the submitted by user and not the user of the asset. Does anyone have a way to bulk add submitted on behalf of or by changing the submitted user to the asset owner on creation? 

@cris.ward Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

I am concerned you are able to close out a parent ticket with the subtickets still open. Could you provide some more details on this with a specific example? 

The sub ticket is created when the resolution is updated to resolved.

@cris.ward I would like to dig into this further. What is the name of the rule that you have created for this? 

I know the sub ticket says a specific location but I can't fingure out how to make it work the way I want. I am assuming you will be getting into our rule but if you need to see the whole thing let me know.

@cris.ward Can I have an example ticket number as well?


@cris.ward All right, your current workflow will not give you the desired result. However, instead of creating a subticket, why not create a new ticket? Are you trying to keep the tickets together? 

If that’s the case, is there a way to pick a status other than resolved (such as a custom ticket status) until the subticket can also be resolved? 

I have had it make new tickets in the past which is fine, but my issue is if I submit the bulk tickets for the parent ticket, the new ticket will not pull over the asset owner unless the ticket submitter is changed. Is it possible to make the submitter the asset owner through any bulk methods?

@cris.ward No, there is not. The requestors cannot be set in bulk based on the asset owner. This would be an idea for our Idea Exchange.
