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I had a request from a user wanting to know if there was a way to bulk print invoices for remaining fees owed at a site.

This would be a nice enhancement along with being able to bulk email.



Hello, @farmerje and @mfischer. Yes, you are able to both bulk print and email invoices 🙂. Below are some instructions. Please reach back out if you have any questions. 

  • Create a view or use the users/assets explorer and set a filter for your payment processing app with the total balance being greater than zero. In my example below, I am gathering a list of students who have a balance greater than zero.
  • Then, check the boxes for the items you want included in the bulk print/email, select Other, and choose your payment processing app your district uses.
  • Next, select Generate Statement in the pop-up. Then, you will see the options for either printing or emailing the statements. 
