
Can we edit an event after the date has passed?

  • 12 December 2023
  • 9 replies


Sometimes people submit events for the same day, and changing the threshold isn’t an option. The problem is that many events that are submitted are recurring, so it’s already a pain in the butt to have to adjust the recurrences on my end. But then if the date/time passes for their event, I now have to recreate tickets because I can no longer adjust them. This is becoming a bit frustrating so I’m wondering if there is a way to edit the date/time on a past ticket so the details can be adjusted without having to recreate a ticket.


Best answer by Hannah Bailey 18 December 2023, 16:00

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9 replies

Userlevel 7
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@ASmith 797c037 manorisd Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

This will be an enhancement request that needs to be submitted via Idea Exchange:

Userlevel 7
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@ASmith 797c037 manorisd 

I can see how this would be frustrating. 

A new enhancement has just been released that could help. You are now able to copy and event even it if is in the past. 




Userlevel 7
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@Hannah Bailey This is a great release! Hopefully, this will help 😄


This is definitely an improvement, thank y’all! Is there a way that it can create an actual event ticket? When I tried copying an event, there is no ticket number attached to the copied event so I’m not able to provide the requestor with any information for them to follow along with.

Userlevel 7
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@ASmith 797c037 manorisd When copying an event, it should create a copy of that even as a new event. Could you share a screenshot of what you are seeing? 


 @Kathryn Carter It does create a new event, but there’s no ticket number associated with the new event. I made a copy of ticket #17423, but there’s no way to reference the new ticket because it doesn’t have a number.




Userlevel 7
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@ASmith 797c037 manorisd Is this event ticket from an external requestor who is requesting the original ticket? This may be the reason. Additionally, our system does not create a new ticket for each copied event. Would you like the ticket to be linked to this new event? 

Is this for a reoccurring event? The copy event button is similar to creating a new event with just some of the blanks already filled in for you. 😄 @NBurke_iiQ, your CSM will be reaching out to you as well! She’s the best and an iiQ master, so her knowledge will help you get this workflow achieved. 


@Kathryn Carter The event ticket was submitted by an internal requestor. I would love the option to link the original ticket to a copied ticket!

I did notice that recurring events don’t have a ticket number associated, so I’ve just been adding a note in the recurring field for me to refer back to. The issue here is that I don’t have a reference ticket # to provide to the requestor for the copy I made that includes their remaining dates.

Userlevel 7
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@ASmith 797c037 manorisd The new copied event will not have a ticket number to reference because an event does not have a ticket to exist. I would suggest adding the original ticket so you can refer to that since that will be the ticket associated with the copied event.😄
