Custom Field from Ticketing to new ticket in Facilities

  • 19 December 2023
  • 9 replies


We are currently attempting to expand our offboarding processes in our district.  That being said, HR Submits a ticket to user provisioning, which includes a custom field with the employees name. Ideally, we would like to create a ticket based on the original ticket, which would end up in the facilities side.   I see that we have the ability to create a new ticket from a rule, but how would the custom field carry over as well?

9 replies

Userlevel 7
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@TJuarez 703c3e5 palermok8 

There is a moto on our Customer Success team “We learn something new everyday with iiQ.” And with your question you got me learning something new 😁 


Yes, you are able to map that custom field and have it show on the Facilities subticket.

This is with the app “Advance Ticketing.”


First you will need to set up the ticket template on the facilities side that you want created after the HR department submits the “user provisioning” ticket. 


Next you will configure the rule on the Ticketing side to create a subticket and select the ticket template that you created on facilities side. Next, select the gear icon > Map Custom Fields. Then search for the custom fields that you want map to the subticket. 


Now when HR submits the parent ticket - this will fire the subticket in the Facilities module with the mapped custom fields. 


Example in my testing site




Example in my testing site on the Facilities side with the custom field mapped. 



I hope this helps. 


This is a great starting point, thank you. 

1 minor issue, depending on how you look at it. This will force the parent ticket to stay open until the facilities group has time to resolve the sub-ticket.  Due to the difference in response time, this could lead to the parent ticket being forced to stay open for days.

Userlevel 7
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@TJuarez 703c3e5 palermok8 

So you are wanting to create a separate ticket in Facilities that is not tied to the parent ticket?

Can you share a little more of the process/break down? Is your agents on the ticketing side working and trying to close the parent ticket before the facilities team can get their subticket?


Yes that is correct.  We do not want any Ticketing agents to be able to close the Sub-Ticket Prior to the Facilities agents, nor do we want the Ticketing agents to have a pending ticket, which the completed.  Almost 90% of the time, the Ticketing agents will be able to complete their tasks before a Facilities agent has had the time review it.


Ideally this original ticket will fire off a rule which will create a new ticket, not related to parent tickets.  


We tried this with the “Create a Ticket” rule, however there is no way to map custom fields in this.  


We also thought about using the email to ticket feature, however we are unsure of how this would work with custom fields.


Userlevel 7
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@TJuarez 703c3e5 palermok8 

This one is tricky one. I am not sure the best approach. Like you say - you can create a separate ticket in Facilities but it will not have the custom fields. 


Not sure if this would help. But having the parent ticket as like the “project” where it is not assigned to any individual team. So it wont be accounting against any team. 

Then have all the subtickets for both ticketing and facilities teams. Then you can create a rule that says - once all subtickets are completed resolve the parent ticket. 




Userlevel 7
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@TJuarez 703c3e5 palermok8 

I was thinking more about the email to rule option. 


You could have the HR department email with the persons name in the body of the email. Then have that fire a ticket off in ticketing and facilities. So they would be separate tickets and the content from the email will be in the ticket. 


Not sure if this would help. But having the parent ticket as like the “project” where it is not assigned to any individual team. So it wont be accounting against any team. 

How can you  make it so the ticket doesn't land in Facilities or Ticketing?


Userlevel 6
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Not sure if this would help. But having the parent ticket as like the “project” where it is not assigned to any individual team. So it wont be accounting against any team. 

How can you  make it so the ticket doesn't land in Facilities or Ticketing?


By default the parent ticket will land in one of the two products depending on the category of the ticket. For your scenario, if the issue/category that HR is using will exist under “Provisioning”, that parent ticket would land on the IT Ticketing side - which is where you’ll create your rules for creating subtickets.

What I believe she’s saying is you can have that parent ticket not assign to a “Team” or “Agent” automatically, so that it wouldn’t be counted toward anyone’s metrics if that matters for you. The ticket would just exist for the sole purpose of automating the two subtickets to IT and Facilities and wouldn’t require any human interaction.

From there, you’d have a rule automatically create two subtickets - one for IT, one for Facilities - that aren’t dependent on one another, and have another rule for that parent ticket (that’s not assigned to anyone) to automatically close itself once both subtickets are resolved.

Userlevel 7
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@jclark Thank you for that detailed reply. 

@TJuarez 703c3e5 palermok8 Does that make sense? Ideally, the parent ticket will govern the sub tickets that will be sent the respective users in charge of completing those tasks. 
