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Has any worked with setting rules using multiple keywords without creating a separate filter for every keyword?

I want an email about the in classroom display to create a ticket using a specific ticket type and issue and assign a specific agent to it. However, teacher don’t only use one specific word or phrase to refer to in-classroom technology. We have ViewSonic ViewBoards or: display, smartboard, viewboard, touchscreen, etc.

I would like set a rule that says if any form of the words above are used in the subject or body of the email to then set specific parameters to the ticket: assign ticket type, assign to specific agent, etc.

Currently, it seems I have to create a filter for every work or phrase possibly used.

For example: we used Zendesk before this and had this ability.


I’ve seen this post, read the KB, and went through the Academy course.


Also, how do you use the “?” to set matching conditions?

“For advanced matching conditions, you can use '%' to match any number of characters or '?' to match a single character”

I understand how the “%” works. “view%” would work with viewsonic, viewboard.

What does the “?” do?

@JWagner 423dd3d hockaday Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

As far as I know, only the “%” will work for this. Can you create OR statements to have those match your requests coming in? Additionally, any reason your teachers are emailing their requests in instead of logging into iiQ? 
