
Faculty and Staff roles are able to view Quick Tickets in their Dashboard, but cannot click on them


We are having an issue where our faculty and staff can view quick tickets that are assigned their roles, but when they click on the tickets they are not able to access them. I have gone through the permissions for those roles and did not notice anything obvious that was not toggled on. I have not known of any major settings changes that have caused this issue. Is there an action to cause Quick Tickets to go into “View Only?” IIQ admins are able to access quick tickets from their dashboards without issue. 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

@JMendoza 257638c sageoak Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

I am following the thread, and it looks like a fix is coming so soon! I will let you know when I get an update. 


Thank you! We seem to be currently having the same issue. Hope the fix comes soon. 🤞

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

@MAndrada 510b733 powayusd Just attached your district to our ticket. I will update you once I know more. 
