We do not currently support this kind of functionality. Forwarding an email to Incident IQ will generate a new ticket. All email communications on tickets should be done through replies to the ticket notification itself.
Can we have this added as a feature request? I know for our organization we have had this with prior tools and found it very helpful for our workflow.
Of course… you can add this idea to our idea exchange here:
It’s been 8 months since people have been requesting to add a function to forward emails to an existing ticket, was their ever a fix yet?? other ticketing systems have this function. it would make sense to add this function because users are not tech savy and don’t always reply to the existing ticket.
@CManzano 837e374 lawrence Have you checked out the idea to upvote and comment? I know there has been some discussion for workarounds on this thread:
The more votes and comments an idea gets, the more likely it is to get across the finish line. 
What I’ve done successfully is forward the email to the reply back email created by Incident IQ and delete everything above and including the ‘---------- Forwarded message ---------’ part of the forward
@akwan Thank you for adding your work around here. 
@akwan Can you expand on how you did this was it via a rule in IIQ, or Exchange flow / rule ? , some screen shots, or walk though for some others out there would be a benefit if you have a valid work around.
@ADeLacy 640001e ghsd
In Incident IQ, a unique email address is used for each case in Incident IQ. You can use that same email address, and forward emails to the case in Incident IQ.
The catch is in Incident IQ when you have the email signature set to clip in any messages. Something in the message is detected in the email and from that point forward, the rest of the email will get cut off.
It is a workaround; but enough of the message gets posted in the ticket thread in Incident IQ for the user and you can see the entire email message that is forwarded through the ‘Email’ tab as an agent (or Incident IQ Administrator).